ما الجديد فى لغة البرمجة php8 (الاصدار الثامن)

فى هذه السلسلة يتم شرح كل المميزات الجديدة التى تم اضافتها فى اصدار لغة php8
كما يتم شرح هذه المميزات مع أمثلة عملية للتوضيح
دروس السلسلة :
php8 intro
#1 - Union types php8 (arabic lesson)
#2 JIT Compiler php8 arabic lesson
#3 Named arguments php8 arabic lesson
#4 Match Expressions php8 arabic lesson
#5 Constructor property promotion php8 arabic lesson
#6 New mixed type - php8 arabic lesson
#7 null safe operator php8 arabic lesson
#8 Trailing comma in php8 arabic lesson
#9 WeakMap php8 arabic lesson
#10 New Stringable interface php8 arabic lesson
#11 New str contains function php8 arabic lesson
#12 New str starts with function php8 arabic lesson
#13 New str ends with function php8 arabic lesson
#14 Inheritance private class methodsLSP php8 arabic lesson
#15 static flag allowed in an inheritance arabic lesson methods
#16 abstract methods allowed in php8 arabic lesson
#17 Allowing class keyword on objects in php8 arabic lesson
#18 non capturing catches php8 arabic lesson
#19 New get debug type function php8 arabic lesson
#20 get resource id function php8 arabic lesson
#21 Attribute docBlocks php8 arabic lesson part 1
#22 Attribute docBlocks php8 arabic lesson part 2
هذه السلسلة مقدمة من قناة PhpAnonymous لصاحبها دكتور محمود ابراهيم
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